Crowd at opening night of Etech. Many photographers. Ted Leung on the left, Duncan Davidson on the right, I think.
Standing room only for Eric Bonabeau's talk on the hunch engine. Unfortunately, the combination of the sound system, the poor acoustics of the room, and Eric Bonabeau accent made it very hard for those of us in the back to hear.
One of Eric Bonabeau's slides from his talk on the hunch engine "I'm very attracted to you Nancy, but I'm also very attracted to the light bulb"
Eric Bonabeau's talk was one of the few at ETech where it seemed like people paid more attention to what was being said than to the screen of their laptop.
A really lousy photo of Mark Pilgrim, with his famous from FOO lime green "I support RFC 3023" t-shirt.
Clay Shirky's tale of the day that Dave Winer shut down discussion on a mailing list when the discussion wasn't too his liking.
Clay's Shirky's slide about the day that Dave Winer shut down discussion on a maling list -- the power and problems with centralization.