GeoCoop: Nature's Showdown - Lions Overpower Buffalo
GeoCoop: A Lion Pride's Deadly Pursuit
GeoCoop: Lioness (Panthera leo) trying to suffocate buffalo (Syncerus cafer)
GeoCoop: Buffalo Brought Down by a Pride of 14 Lions
GeoCoop: The pride youngster are unsure what to do
GeoCoop: The Hunter's Advantage
GeoCoop: Eating alive from behind
GeoCoop: Interrupting the bloody ritual
GeoCoop: Heavy snorting of the buffalo in agony
GeoCoop: The buffalo fights for his life!
GeoCoop: A Buffalo in Peril
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's Brave Battle
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's Desperate Defense
GeoCoop: Buffalo's Heroic Stand
GeoCoop: The Buffalo's Lost Struggle
GeoCoop: Buffalo's Last Stand
GeoCoop: His hour has come!
GeoCoop: One could almost be fooled!
GeoCoop: The Lions' Feast
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's Lost Battle for Survival
GeoCoop: Lioness in fierce attack mode
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's Final Attempt for Survival
GeoCoop: Another last-ditch effort
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's Ultimate Struggle
GeoCoop: A Buffalo's One Last Push
GeoCoop: Lion kiss of death, suffocating buffalo
GeoCoop: The final kiss of death!
GeoCoop: Joint bite over the nose to suffocate the buffalo
GeoCoop: The End!
GeoCoop: Trophy hunter with hair tuft of the buffalo's tail