GeoCoop: Foot march through difficult rough terrain
GeoCoop: Down slippery steep slopes
GeoCoop: Over rough and smooth!
GeoCoop: Marking out the potential water intake!
GeoCoop: Ravine Thomazo
GeoCoop: Walking up the Thomazo creek
GeoCoop: Frequent creek crossings!
GeoCoop: Yet another ford!
GeoCoop: Cover of velvety moss growing over tree stem
GeoCoop: Balancing slippery boulders!
GeoCoop: Rough and smooth Thomazo creek
GeoCoop: Hot and sweating!
GeoCoop: Longing to quench the thirst!
GeoCoop: Fellow sufferers!
GeoCoop: River scouring in the rock
GeoCoop: Bamboo bush
GeoCoop: Narrow cobblestones road to En Bas Saut & Edmond Forest
GeoCoop: Newly rehabilitated road to En Bas Saut & Edmund Forest Reserve
GeoCoop: Severe water erosion along newly rehabilitated dust road in rainforest
GeoCoop: Dirt road to En Bas Saut Trail & Edmond Forest Reserve
GeoCoop: Mt. Troumassee at the entry into En Bas Saut rainforest
GeoCoop: Prescipitious slopes prevail
GeoCoop: Giant fern and Mt. Troumassee in the background
GeoCoop: Strong encroachment of bamboo at the edge of farmland
GeoCoop: New dasheen clearing
GeoCoop: Welcome to the En Bas Saut Forest Trail
GeoCoop: New signpost at En Bas Saut Trail & Waterfall
GeoCoop: Steep slope in the En Bas Saut rainforest
GeoCoop: Abundant growth of moss and epiphytes on tree
GeoCoop: Creepers, epiphytes and moss growing on tree