Genista: the pastel gate
Genista: foggy streak
Genista: tree
Genista: gate
Genista: tree
Genista: foggy
Genista: setting
Genista: looking
Genista: toward the south
Genista: radio
Genista: oakland
Genista: treasure island
Genista: night is falling
Genista: bay bridge
Genista: berkeley marina
Genista: salt marshes
Genista: come together
Genista: the other side of the bay
Genista: unfinished business
Genista: boat in the middle
Genista: span
Genista: richmond bridge
Genista: gate as usual
Genista: to the gate
Genista: fog
Genista: four in a row
Genista: it looks different when you're down there
Genista: bay bridge
Genista: reflections on the bay
Genista: top tree