geniephotix: Harmony
geniephotix: Seaweed Lady- Humanness in Nature Series
geniephotix: Autumn Red
geniephotix: dollar glass...
geniephotix: dollar glass 2
geniephotix: Golden rain drops
geniephotix: Caribbean pelican
geniephotix: white simplicity
geniephotix: fallen
geniephotix: anoyone home?
geniephotix: oaks on ice
geniephotix: the eye of a bubble
geniephotix: Shatered Heart - Humaness in Nature Series
geniephotix: IMG_5245pse
geniephotix: Tree Nymph
geniephotix: Chinese Gliding Frogs
geniephotix: Hairy Crawly...
geniephotix: Dandelions
geniephotix: 'Cockfight'
geniephotix: Marzipam delight
geniephotix: green twirl in a dollar glass
geniephotix: Birthing poppy
geniephotix: Crackling fire
geniephotix: crystal clear
geniephotix: Sharps & Flats
geniephotix: Patterns on the sand
geniephotix: the Lady sitting pretty
geniephotix: Autumn drops