GButterfly: frozen garden sprite 2007
GButterfly: Baseline Image - foam in the fountain (taken 2006 - I still need to take my shot this week)
GButterfly: BW_GNC_squaw creek D300
GButterfly: dancer black and white
GButterfly: rock water
GButterfly: christmas tress
GButterfly: thorn tree
GButterfly: frozen pair of hearts
GButterfly: more thorns
GButterfly: geese
GButterfly: heron nov
GButterfly: snow tree 2007
GButterfly: 2007 christmas light
GButterfly: leaf_GNC3121_2
GButterfly: you've got to be kidding right?GNC_1314_2.jpg
GButterfly: monotone cotton candy girls GNC_1316_2.jpg
GButterfly: happy day GNC_1313.jpg
GButterfly: GNC_0943_2.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_0944_2.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_0968_2_2.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_0965_3.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_1005.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_1045.JPG
GButterfly: bride in black and white
GButterfly: groom in black and white
GButterfly: GNC_0655.JPG
GButterfly: GNC_0460_2.JPG
GButterfly: ladybug and fly
GButterfly: abstract_delivery_0006_2.jpg
GButterfly: swallowtail in black and white