GButterfly: 080705_hawk by GNC_0480_2.jpg
GButterfly: 20080629_GNC_0179_2.jpg
GButterfly: flowering stamen
GButterfly: reflecting on what could be
GButterfly: damsel patterns
GButterfly: 20080629_0250_3.jpg
GButterfly: fading into the sun
GButterfly: duplicate coneflowers
GButterfly: 20080703_garden by GNC_0289.jpg
GButterfly: torn peach
GButterfly: what's that you say?
GButterfly: does she really think she can come this close?
GButterfly: I think this is my good side
GButterfly: hawk aground
GButterfly: I am hidden
GButterfly: I dare to to inch closer one more time
GButterfly: 080705_hawk by GNC_0478.jpg