Generic Photos: I don't know what this sign is trying to tell me.
Generic Photos: Wimmy, my cashier at Walmart
Generic Photos: Antique radiator superstore
Generic Photos: Buildings touching each other is very east coast.
Generic Photos: Boston is pretty nice when it isn't raining
Generic Photos: The historical Bridge to Guitar Center
Generic Photos: Celery root is creepy
Generic Photos: Boston Intersections are fun.
Generic Photos: What a friendly bunny.
Generic Photos: I saw the original ODB Liquors that same day, but didn't get a photo.
Generic Photos: Only certain kinds of people want to have a title like that.
Generic Photos: That church would look pretty big if it wasn't for that thing behind it.
Generic Photos: Sometimes accidental photos are funny looking.
Generic Photos: DSCN0105
Generic Photos: DSCN0038
Generic Photos: A must-have for Special Forces
Generic Photos: DSCN0061
Generic Photos: Old-timey grave yards