Generic Photos: This is what happens when you get bored and have clippers
Generic Photos: The coolest guy in Texas
Generic Photos: If only I had time to stop and check this place out
Generic Photos: Them loves them some Bushes in Texas
Generic Photos: When you drive from LA to Texas, you see this for about 2 days
Generic Photos: When there is a hurricane, you need a lot of ladders.
Generic Photos: The only good thing about west Texas is that you are allowed to drive through it really fast. They know you don't want to be there longer than you have to.
Generic Photos: Abandoned school house
Generic Photos: Going to raise some hell.
Generic Photos: This Chinese Crested was the most exotic wildlife I saw on my whole drive.
Generic Photos: My favorite city. I've driven by it a few times, but still haven't stopped there.
Generic Photos: The famous THING?
Generic Photos: Lovebugs doing it on my pillow
Generic Photos: So far both of my hotels have been right next to forests and crap. For a desert dweller, it seems pretty magical.
Generic Photos: Coming Soon.... 000 Leg on .
Generic Photos: I'm famous
Generic Photos: This was a gas station
Generic Photos: That's some serious wind
Generic Photos: The Golden Arches will rise again
Generic Photos: Have you?
Generic Photos: Lovebug holocaust
Generic Photos: I love water towers. They were how you navigated before GPS
Generic Photos: This horse and dog were friends.
Generic Photos: He was the perfect country dog.
Generic Photos: This horse followed me around sniffing at my clipboard.
Generic Photos: I wanted this guys shirt.
Generic Photos: Lovebug season is pretty crazy. Bugs getting all sexy all over the place.
Generic Photos: This dog followed me all around.
Generic Photos: He was a nice fellow.