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Some green people
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This girl partied too hard
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Zombie feasting on brain
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Word to your mother
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More people
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She's flexible
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Putting the "sensual" back in nonconsensual
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This guy
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Peace in the middle east
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Ninja with his sword
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This cake is fueled by Satan
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She looks like the wind in those old maps
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Drunken shooting spree
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Execution style, cold blooded
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God struck them down because they were sinners
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What, is there something funny?
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Look at his eyes, he's totally into it.
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This is how we roll
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Owl radio
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with extra transistors
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Haz-Mat suit
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For the end times
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She's excited because it's the gift of life (or maybe lice)
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This dino wants to get all up in your business
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