geno k: Great egret.....and it's plumes
geno k: Great egret fishing
geno k: Great Blue Heron
geno k: Yellow-crowned night heron portrait
geno k: What makes your hair stand on end?
geno k: Telling fish stories...
geno k: Mine's bigger than yours
geno k: Down the hatch
geno k: Red knots in flight
geno k: Red knots feeding on bivalves. Subspecies rufa.
geno k: Semipalmated plover
geno k: Red knots preening
geno k: Black-bellied plover
geno k: An evening stroll along Red Knot lane
geno k: Wood stork
geno k: Dunlin silhouette
geno k: Willet Silhouette
geno k: The Morning Hunt
geno k: Prelude to Valentines Day
geno k: Dunlin at sunset
geno k: Semipalmated plover
geno k: Moon shot
geno k: Sandwich Tern
geno k: "How big did you say that turkey is?"
geno k: Willet
geno k: Willet
geno k: Red Knot- the importance of bird-banding
geno k: Roseate Spoonbill
geno k: Wood Stork
geno k: On Patrol