Gene of SF: Cow Crossing
Gene of SF: Windy Beach
Gene of SF: Whale Skull
Gene of SF: Layered Rocks
Gene of SF: Railing the Pacific
Gene of SF: Cool Rocks
Gene of SF: Looking Up
Gene of SF: Looking Up Again
Gene of SF: Looking Through
Gene of SF: Towering Rocks
Gene of SF: Lighthouse Wheels
Gene of SF: Lighthouse Gears
Gene of SF: Vertical Cliff
Gene of SF: Pt Reyes Lighthouse
Gene of SF: Below
Gene of SF: Cliff Mountain
Gene of SF: Windy Grass
Gene of SF: Red Moss?
Gene of SF: Pole in Nature
Gene of SF: Rock on Top
Gene of SF: Drakes Bay cliffs
Gene of SF: Drakes Bay
Gene of SF: Sleeping Seals
Gene of SF: Elephant seal swimming
Gene of SF: Elephant Seal overlook
Gene of SF: Elephant Seals