gene_gene234: wish it on myself
gene_gene234: when animals attack
gene_gene234: nut to crack
gene_gene234: umperfection
gene_gene234: oh, so stupid
gene_gene234: there're only so many many ambulences
gene_gene234: until the very end
gene_gene234: way life
gene_gene234: waiting
gene_gene234: understand the you
gene_gene234: Ton of Love
gene_gene234: progeny extant
gene_gene234: make yourself
gene_gene234: hi fidelity
gene_gene234: must the show go on
gene_gene234: old school
gene_gene234: sun is mine
gene_gene234: so tired
gene_gene234: the other side
gene_gene234: it was right over there
gene_gene234: more than later
gene_gene234: clearing