Gemma Godde: Light comes after darkness ends.
Gemma Godde: A strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars
Gemma Godde: Every day is a good day.
Gemma Godde: “Love is the flower you've got to let grow.”
Gemma Godde: One word can warm three winter months...
Gemma Godde: Even The Brightest Souls Live In The Darkness At Times
Gemma Godde: Magic comes from within
Gemma Godde: Look forward never behind
Gemma Godde: Its worth the wait
Gemma Godde: Life Needs Balance
Gemma Godde: The best way out, is always through.
Gemma Godde: Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn
Gemma Godde: “If it rains on your parade, dance in it.”
Gemma Godde: True love stories never have endings.
Gemma Godde: Sometimes you just gotta take a set back