Gemma Godde: Orange Love
Gemma Godde: If you treat me like an option, I'll leave you like a choice
Gemma Godde: The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Gemma Godde: People do not lack strength, they lack will.
Gemma Godde: She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished How beautiful it was that she always chose herself
Gemma Godde: To be happy you must be your own sunshine.
Gemma Godde: Beauty ain't always a little, cute colored flower
Gemma Godde: Every day is a good day.
Gemma Godde: Together Anything Is Possible
Gemma Godde: Miserable, Darling, As Usual. Perfectly Wretched.
Gemma Godde: Don't let it slip away
Gemma Godde: Worth having, it is worth waiting for
Gemma Godde: Friends make the world a better place.
Gemma Godde: On the fast track to nowhere.
Gemma Godde: Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn
Gemma Godde: True love stories never have endings.
Gemma Godde: Don't look back, you're not going that way.
Gemma Godde: We all have a story to tell
Gemma Godde: I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Gemma Godde: She's all she wants to be, Which is EVERYTHING.
Gemma Godde: The summer night is like a perfection of thought.
Gemma Godde: Be your own boss