Gemma Godde: Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Gemma Godde: Shes on her time now.
Gemma Godde: Always
Gemma Godde: Love Altar
Gemma Godde: Just her and I
Gemma Godde: A picnic is more than eating a meal, it is a pleasurable state of mind, with someone you love
Gemma Godde: Brooklyn Chill
Gemma Godde: Live each day to its fullest
Gemma Godde: You do not need a KING to be a Queen
Gemma Godde: Sometimes you just gotta take a set back
Gemma Godde: Sometimes you have to RELA
Gemma Godde: We all have a story to tell
Gemma Godde: Dance to your own music
Gemma Godde: Time To Take Control
Gemma Godde: Its on the house.
Gemma Godde: Be your own boss
Gemma Godde: Opportunities don't happen, you create them.
Gemma Godde: Spells, Potions, Oh My...