gemmill: das burger king
gemmill: elevator to the top floor
gemmill: arf
gemmill: potsdamer platz lot
gemmill: 4 horses
gemmill: the most depressing lou reed album
gemmill: lots of cranes
gemmill: the communists
gemmill: stalin is totally rad!
gemmill: myself
gemmill: eiffel tower elevator pulley
gemmill: a lot of pigeons
gemmill: venice laundry
gemmill: tough break
gemmill: chokoalat
gemmill: that's a mighty big lamp
gemmill: hooray
gemmill: YAAY, SKULLS!
gemmill: gray paree
gemmill: another one...
gemmill: in a white room...
gemmill: the whole freaking louvre
gemmill: piazza san marco
gemmill: louvre basement
gemmill: us=folter
gemmill: the reason food tastes better in europe...
gemmill: bench and tables