Gemma Hentsch: Sleepy Ed
Gemma Hentsch: IMG_2558.JPG
Gemma Hentsch: Me and Nur
Gemma Hentsch: 2 crazy girls
Gemma Hentsch: IMG_2561.JPG
Gemma Hentsch: Awww...
Gemma Hentsch: IMG_2565.JPG
Gemma Hentsch: IMG_2566.JPG
Gemma Hentsch: Sleepy Ed
Gemma Hentsch: Good shot of ed
Gemma Hentsch: That's what i call a desert
Gemma Hentsch: Its called a Truffle Tree
Gemma Hentsch: And It was Delicious
Gemma Hentsch: Truffle Tree, Me, and Nur
Gemma Hentsch: Nur, Me and the Truffle Tree
Gemma Hentsch: I'm very lucky to have such good friends
Gemma Hentsch: All of us at the end very happy :)
Gemma Hentsch: Ed and Lauri again :)
Gemma Hentsch: Ed and lauri on the way back to the car
Gemma Hentsch: Me in the rather good looking dress...
Gemma Hentsch: Me take 2