gemini angel's art and dolls: *Blytheversation* day 2 BaD Sisterly advise... Gracie: but the boys keep picking on me and pushing me around.... *Big sister*. Well Gracie... Boys do that when they think you are cute and they like you.... Gracie: buutttt that doesn't make any sense I
gemini angel's art and dolls: *candid camera* BaD September day 3 Even the most macho men have their soft spot.... Mew... Mew mew mew .... Mew I wonder if Ash is ready to become the "crazy cat lady!" Hahaha
gemini angel's art and dolls: *dedicated to: Gina Smith* BaD September 2014 Day 4,
gemini angel's art and dolls: *glee* BaD September 2014 day 7 Andie exclaimed in glee when she saw that the new foal had finally arrived!!!