gemini angel's art and dolls: Anni takes back the role of new arrival welcoming committee
gemini angel's art and dolls: OMG! what is that?????
gemini angel's art and dolls: The cowgirl Twins
gemini angel's art and dolls: um...Andie?...why is there a sheep in the bathroom?
gemini angel's art and dolls: Okay Cookie..ready to go out for a ride?
gemini angel's art and dolls: Ash: See i told you i know horses...
gemini angel's art and dolls: well maybe it is a bit weird..
gemini angel's art and dolls: sooo Riley do you think it is weird that our dresses match our beds?
gemini angel's art and dolls: well at least out here we don't look like our beds
gemini angel's art and dolls: excitement at the stable....
gemini angel's art and dolls: is this movie okay??
gemini angel's art and dolls: *glee* BaD September 2014 day 7 Andie exclaimed in glee when she saw that the new foal had finally arrived!!!