gemini angel's art and dolls: Dru's new dress with tulle petticoat
gemini angel's art and dolls: Introducing Dru, she arrived with Petra yesterday! My first two girls
gemini angel's art and dolls: First night in their new home...celebration!! sushi dinner
gemini angel's art and dolls: First night in their new home...celebration!! sushi dinner
gemini angel's art and dolls: this is what Oscar thinks of the girls..he barks and barks and barks..i finally had to hide them...
gemini angel's art and dolls: ABAD 1/365 Dru got a new kitty cape made from black velvet
gemini angel's art and dolls: here mom..make Petra's bunny cape!!
gemini angel's art and dolls: ABAD 4/365b I think we shall name her Annunchel and call her Anni! 8 of 8
gemini angel's art and dolls: Here you go..go sit with your sisters and catch your breath!! 7 of 8
gemini angel's art and dolls: OOOH!!! there she is...hurry she can't breath!! mom!! 4 of 8
gemini angel's art and dolls: Mom..hurry up and open the box...3 of 8
gemini angel's art and dolls: Hello....ARE YOU ALL RIGHT IN THERE??? 2-8
gemini angel's art and dolls: ABAD 4/365a Dru and Petra insisted on going with me this morning 1 of 8
gemini angel's art and dolls: Dru is liking the beer i think...
gemini angel's art and dolls: ABAD 5/365 Yum! Dinner is almost all done~
gemini angel's art and dolls: Dru and Petra chilling, watching Freddy the Fish
gemini angel's art and dolls: See i am being a good girl....pretty paints mom!
gemini angel's art and dolls: ah! your phone is ringing...
gemini angel's art and dolls: I think i might join a rock band or something!!! I can play a mean guitar
gemini angel's art and dolls: Well Coco, don't you think this new wig from Auntie Gina makes me look divine?
gemini angel's art and dolls: says it is a new sister...can any of you read the box?..hellloooo is there some one in there?...
gemini angel's art and dolls: Anni, Dru and Petra in H<3R dresses
gemini angel's art and dolls: Last outfit created...had just finished it for a swap
gemini angel's art and dolls: helloooo are you okay? will have you out in no time!
gemini angel's art and dolls: New arrival..the family gathers
gemini angel's art and dolls: closeup..see the Gemini Angel on her wand
gemini angel's art and dolls: Angel Costume from Dolly Mommy!!
gemini angel's art and dolls: She even got to take Coco to keep Dru company!