gemini angel's art and dolls: graffiti on large wall mural
gemini angel's art and dolls: more of the wall mural
gemini angel's art and dolls: Michigan theater in Ann Arbor Michigan
gemini angel's art and dolls: The first thing i said when we walked in and I checked out the bath "i love my Life!!!"
gemini angel's art and dolls: the dining room of the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham MI
gemini angel's art and dolls: spoiled rotten...all the little things
gemini angel's art and dolls: gorgeous flowers everywhere
gemini angel's art and dolls: the arrangement that greeted us walking in!
gemini angel's art and dolls: todays clue.....see blog for details
gemini angel's art and dolls: todays clue.....see blog for details
gemini angel's art and dolls: Instead...this is what I am doing!! Guess what I am up to! description for the game!
gemini angel's art and dolls: Hmmmmm what is crazy angela up to today??
gemini angel's art and dolls: my crazy boys i chaperoned on the field trip
gemini angel's art and dolls: what a gorgeous setting
gemini angel's art and dolls: vintage bikes everywhere..this was the security officer's
gemini angel's art and dolls: Greenfield Doctor office
gemini angel's art and dolls: Greenfield village in Detroit Mi..gorgeous buildings
gemini angel's art and dolls: Bridgett got to tag along..her favorite place was the Millinery~
gemini angel's art and dolls: this is what it is all about..Henry Ford put Greenfield village together..and it has continued to grow over the years
gemini angel's art and dolls: beautiful brick work on the power plant
gemini angel's art and dolls: boys in front of a train..Bridgett is staying high up
gemini angel's art and dolls: Blythe Flickr Games, the continuation train mom~
gemini angel's art and dolls: Inside the round house
gemini angel's art and dolls: more beautiful scenery
gemini angel's art and dolls: We started our tour by riding on the train