The Gembone Gallery:
18K Gold Gembone Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
cab closeup
The Gembone Gallery:
18K Gembone Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
18K Gembone Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
ring and bone
The Gembone Gallery:
Dinosaur bone rings
The Gembone Gallery:
Dinosaur bone rings another shot
The Gembone Gallery:
new dinosaur bone rings
The Gembone Gallery:
3 new dino rings close up
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Cast Ring w/ Dinosaur Gembone Inlay
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Cast Ring w/ Dinosaur Gembone Inlay
The Gembone Gallery:
Different Seasons Jewelry in Jewelry Artist Magazine~ August, 2007
The Gembone Gallery:
Cast sterling gembone ring
The Gembone Gallery:
Different Seasons Jewelry in Jewelry Artist Magazine~ August, 2007
The Gembone Gallery:
Blue Gembone Inlay Rings
The Gembone Gallery:
Blue Gembone Inlay Rings
The Gembone Gallery:
Blue Gembone Inlay Rings
The Gembone Gallery:
Red Gembone Inlay Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
Red Gembone Inlay Rings
The Gembone Gallery:
14k diamond and gembone ring
The Gembone Gallery:
14k diamond and gembone ring
The Gembone Gallery:
14k diamond and gembone ring
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Dinosaur Gembone Wedding Set
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Gembone Wedding Set
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Gembone Wedding Set
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Gembone Wedding Set
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gold Gembone Wedding Set
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gembone Wedding Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
14k Gembone Wedding Ring
The Gembone Gallery:
Gembone Inlay Sterling Rings