madeofchalk: i was wearing his clothes
madeofchalk: pardon the blood
madeofchalk: life before law school
madeofchalk: reading "The Fisherman"
madeofchalk: Lower Manhattan at Night
madeofchalk: the fully reconstructable vessel we found!
madeofchalk: show pix.. GOING UP!
madeofchalk: 52nd st and 9th avenue
madeofchalk: thinking
madeofchalk: bluetiful
madeofchalk: Silhouettes at Sunset (Pier 25) (On their cell phones. Get off your phone and LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD!)
madeofchalk: columbus circle
madeofchalk: lunch at karma road
madeofchalk: blue car
madeofchalk: Cambodia - 1996
madeofchalk: Coney Island
madeofchalk: look up
madeofchalk: profile
madeofchalk: "Give Me What I Want and I Will Go Away"
madeofchalk: Banksy Smile
madeofchalk: everything beautiful is far away
madeofchalk: B&W at the beach
madeofchalk: Candles