Geethmala: Bonfire 2008
Geethmala: 2012 Undergrads running around the Bonfire
Geethmala: Awesome Twilight!
Geethmala: Dartmouth Green
Geethmala: Pink Green Blue
Geethmala: Sky Treat
Geethmala: Tuck Drive
Geethmala: Green from the Bell Tower
Geethmala: Rollins Chapel from the Bell Tower
Geethmala: This shot is for the sky!
Geethmala: Department of Physical Sciences
Geethmala: Fall Colors
Geethmala: Sudikoff
Geethmala: Sudikoff
Geethmala: Tuck Drive
Geethmala: Baker Berry Tower
Geethmala: Diya
Geethmala: Chapel
Geethmala: Sparkler
Geethmala: Guess who? :p
Geethmala: Oops.. standing in the opposite direction :D
Geethmala: OM...