geemuses: 63+132: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (10)
geemuses: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (9)
geemuses: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (8)
geemuses: 63+131: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (7)
geemuses: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (6)
geemuses: 63+128: Perpetual Loyal wins the race out of the heads
geemuses: 63+130: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (5)
geemuses: The winner: Perpetual Loyal begins her record-breaking run
geemuses: 62+129: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (4)
geemuses: 63+128: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (3)
geemuses: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (2)
geemuses: 2016 Sydney to Hobart yacht race - the start (1)