geekstinkbreath: 17178 Accidental shutter fire on Potrero nearing Cesar Chavez
geekstinkbreath: 17179 Yard sale on Potrero to Cesar Chavez
geekstinkbreath: 17180 Yes, Bike Route 25 is the Old Bayshore sidewalk south of Cesar Chavez
geekstinkbreath: 17181 Leah confidently cuts onto Alemany separated bike lane over Highway 280
geekstinkbreath: 17182 Staff rounds Alemany separated bike lane over 280 to Congdon and Justin intersection
geekstinkbreath: 17184 Staff at Entrada Court sundial in Ingleside Terraces - take 1
geekstinkbreath: 17185 Staff at Entrada Court sundial in the middle of Urbano Drive racetrack - take 2
geekstinkbreath: 17187 Jodie over slightly offset bidirectional sharrows on San Benito Way
geekstinkbreath: 17194 Andy leads staff under tree cover of San Benito Way north of Monterey Blvd.