geekstinkbreath: 15245 Day 1 - Parklet planters in approximate position, looking north
geekstinkbreath: 15246 Day 1 - Parklet planters in approximate position, looking south
geekstinkbreath: 15248 Day 1 - Affixing wood to parklet curb
geekstinkbreath: 15249 Day 1 - Upside-down U bike rack in front of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15252 Day 1 - Affixing wood to parklet curb
geekstinkbreath: 15253 Night 1 - Parklet planters in aligned position, looking south
geekstinkbreath: 15254 Night 1 - Parklet planters in aligned position, looking north into light
geekstinkbreath: 15256 Night 1 - Parklet planters in aligned position, looking north
geekstinkbreath: 15259 Night 1 - One parklet platform segment in place
geekstinkbreath: 15260 Night 1 - One cyclist over old school sharrow next to parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15262 Night 1 - Two cyclists over old school sharrow next to parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15264 Night 1 - Parklet platform with supports of different heights
geekstinkbreath: 15272 Night 1 - Pressure-treated wood of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15277 Night 2 - Parklet platform in place, looking south
geekstinkbreath: 15279 Night 2 - Cyclist passes by parklet platform in place, looking north
geekstinkbreath: 15285 Night 2 - Parklet platform in place, looking north, close-up
geekstinkbreath: 15289 Day 3 - Parklet platform in place, looking north
geekstinkbreath: 15291 Day 3 - Parklet platform in place, looking south
geekstinkbreath: 15297 Night 3 - Soft-hit post on north end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15300 Night 3 - Soft-hit post on south end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15303 Night 3 - Cyclist over sharrow next to parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15307 Night 3 - Reflection off soft-hit post on north end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15308 Day 4 - Bumper curb and soft hit post on south end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15310 Day 4 - Bumper curb on south end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15314 Evening 4 - Old school sharrow as seen in between parklet planters
geekstinkbreath: 15317 Evening 4 - Bumper curb on north end of parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15318 Evening 4 - Parklet planter and platform alignment
geekstinkbreath: 15319 Evening 4 - View of parklet from inside The Crepe House
geekstinkbreath: 15320 Evening 4 - Bemused passers-by stand in parklet
geekstinkbreath: 15321 Evening 4 - Bumper curb and soft hit post on north end of parklet