geekstinkbreath: 11292 Blue tents of North Beach restaruants under trees as seen from Vallejo steps
geekstinkbreath: 11294 Italian and Chinese flags in front of Mona Lisa Restaurant tent
geekstinkbreath: 11295 CCDC Community Organizer David is Noodle Fest Security for the day
geekstinkbreath: 11297 Peppers at Vicoletto tent
geekstinkbreath: 11299 No more Napolitana and Pesto gnocchi
geekstinkbreath: 11310 Passport sales sold out in less than two hours
geekstinkbreath: 11311 Noodle sample in front of Z&Y Restaurant cold noodles and garnish
geekstinkbreath: 11312 Two blocks of Grant from Pacific to Vallejo packed with people
geekstinkbreath: 11315 Quiet block of Grant from Jackson to Pacific before Noodle Fest
geekstinkbreath: 11316 Noodle Fest unites Chinatown and North Beach sections of Grant Avenue
geekstinkbreath: 11319 Half dozen SUVs and hundreds of noodle eaters
geekstinkbreath: 11321 Grant Avenue arrow leads to red tents of Chinatown Noodle Fest restaurants
geekstinkbreath: 11322 CCDC Community Organizer Tan is North Beach Security for the day
geekstinkbreath: 11324 Looking back at blue North Beach tents on Grant from Columbus to Vallejo
geekstinkbreath: 11325 Entry to Chinatown side of Grant at Broadway
geekstinkbreath: 11326 Blue tents on Vallejo from Grant to Columbus