geekphysical: A very blue background for our bikes
geekphysical: Four sensors
geekphysical: Receiver box
geekphysical: Martin & Tina try it out
geekphysical: Dzl happily tests out the bikes
geekphysical: She just kept going... she didn't want to leave the bikes :)
geekphysical: Line up for diabetes testing
geekphysical: Fun to watch
geekphysical: Each bike had a number which matched a bike on screen
geekphysical: This guy was working hard
geekphysical: Each bike had a number which matched a bike on screen
geekphysical: Team Take Down! These two killed the competition!
geekphysical: Happy cyclists
geekphysical: This woman was awesome, she was full of energy and smiles
geekphysical: This woman was awesome, she was full of energy and smiles
geekphysical: Bikes were right beside the food booth... :)
geekphysical: A little sceptical...
geekphysical: Girls in heels working hard
geekphysical: Screens on two sides
geekphysical: I'm lovin' it!
geekphysical: Fun for the whole family
geekphysical: Command center, hidden away
geekphysical: Flash interface
geekphysical: Signal receiver from bikes