geekphysical: Egg blowing!
geekphysical: Setting up the board
geekphysical: Egg holder device
geekphysical: Measuring the Eggact amount of room needed
geekphysical: Preparing for the mount
geekphysical: Mounting!
geekphysical: Egg, held.
geekphysical: Initial stages of drawing apparatus
geekphysical: Bird's eye view
geekphysical: Servo running under egg - to hold pen
geekphysical: Morning sun on eggs!
geekphysical: Egg designs
geekphysical: Egg designs
geekphysical: Final Eggbot design
geekphysical: Looking at the egg
geekphysical: Pen holder
geekphysical: Full Eggbot
geekphysical: Fine controller for the pen
geekphysical: Overview of Eggbot
geekphysical: Rubber end on servo
geekphysical: Disco Egg
geekphysical: EggBot GeekPhysical