Andrea Luck: Quartet of Ringed Giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune - NASA/ESA JWST Webb Space Telescope
myriorama: Lateral-lined Sharpshooter
Lord V: Small orb web spider Araniella cucurbitina with ladybird prey
Lord V: Darter dragonfly
Lord V: Red admiral butterfly on Hebe #1
Lord V: Red admiral butterfly on Hebe #2
Marcello Galleano: PARADISE TANAGER
Lord V: Honey bee on ox-eye daisy #2
Lord V: Honey bee on ox-eye daisy #1
Doolallyally: Dark Bush Cricket
mimbrava: molting cardinal
CEB 1298: Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi)
John Beales: Snowy Owl
John Beales: Great Blue Heron
John Beales: Urban Muskrat
John Beales: Dome du marché
John Beales: Human-Scale Transport
John Beales: Storms Missed Us
John Beales: Spring Sun
John Beales: Frost Glitter
John Beales: Bog Larches
John Beales: Larch 1
John Beales: Forest Path
John Beales: A bit ruffled
John Beales: White-breasted nuthatch 3
John Beales: Miniature Sunflowers
John Beales: Urban Heron
John Beales: Pizzeria