geegj: Goodbye Max
geegj: Anzio Passing in front of the Statue of Liberty
geegj: Max and Jen figuring out where to go next
geegj: In front of our hotel - The Belvedere
geegj: Times Square
geegj: Max and Jen with the Bull
geegj: The 4 of us
geegj: Max and Jen
geegj: Max sitting on a bench of the Great Hall
geegj: Max on the ferry in his Navy duds
geegj: Max
geegj: Max @ the Empire State Building
geegj: Max & Jen
geegj: Petty Officer Max Johnson talking to Dad
geegj: Max-DC2 Fire Scene Leader
geegj: Max with his fire equipment
geegj: Ship's holiday dress
geegj: Max & Jen - Navy ships
geegj: Looking over to the Intrepid
geegj: Intrepid Museum
geegj: Intrepid Museum
geegj: Rhib
geegj: The Anzio heli deck
geegj: Tomahawk silos
geegj: Misbehave and these guys will beat you up!
geegj: Max and Jen
geegj: Ships bow
geegj: The library of ships flags
geegj: Ship's interior
geegj: Max explaining piping