geegj: Lily
geegj: Trail markers
geegj: The trail boardwalk
geegj: Jungly swamp
geegj: Another trail boardwalk on Long Caye
geegj: Mask @ Jaguar Paw Lodge
geegj: Lily pads
geegj: Water lily
geegj: Yellow & Green
geegj: Holly:Zinnias
geegj: Max & Jen's VBVA Apartment
geegj: Corner flower stand
geegj: Corner flower market
geegj: Corner flower market
geegj: Hell's Kitchen Park
geegj: Flower garden in Hell's Kitchen
geegj: Courtyard of Lightner courtyard
geegj: Balcony in historic shopping district
geegj: Anastasia sand fence @ the beach
geegj: Little chapel in Mission Nombre de Dios cemetery
geegj: A "fountain" at the Fountain of Youth
geegj: Walkway from the Rose Garden
geegj: Biltmore All-America Rose Garden
geegj: The Rose Garden
geegj: The greenhouse
geegj: Lilies
geegj: Flowers for sale!
geegj: The patio overlooking the flower shop
geegj: The flower garden
geegj: Clematis