geegj: Max in his bunk
geegj: Max's space
geegj: Anzio docked in NYC
geegj: Tug boat assisting the Anzio out of the pier
geegj: Anzio crew working
geegj: Anzio crew
geegj: Anzio crew
geegj: Crew lined up - leaving the harbor
geegj: Tug helping Anzio out of the pier
geegj: Anzio and the Ppier
geegj: Tug
geegj: Anzio leaving NYC
geegj: Crew lined up on the deck - Goodbye to NYC
geegj: Tiger Neil and Damage Control Petty Office Max
geegj: Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
geegj: Tug - the captain is a woman!
geegj: Anzio police escort out of NY harbor
geegj: NYC from the Anzio
geegj: NYC harbor
geegj: Anzio crew and tigers
geegj: Max
geegj: NYC from on board the Anzio
geegj: Tigers and Anzio crew
geegj: Max on the Anzio looking back at NYC
geegj: NYC
geegj: NYC harbor from the deck of the Anzio
geegj: Anzio leaving NYC
geegj: Police escort out of NYC harbor
geegj: Anzio passing by the Statue of Liberty
geegj: Police escort