geegj: Pacuare Lodge Company Offices in San Jose
geegj: With Antonio headed to Pacuare
geegj: On the road to Pacuare
geegj: Rancho Roberto's Restaurant
geegj: The fruit plate at Ranch Roberto's
geegj: Rancho Roberto's
geegj: Leaving Rancho Roberto's
geegj: La Cosecha fresh fruit and vege's
geegj: This way to Pacuare River...
geegj: Road to Pacuare put-in
geegj: Road to Pacuare put-in
geegj: Siquirres!
geegj: Pacuare equipment warehouse
geegj: Kitten at the Pacuare equipment warehouse
geegj: Ready to go to the Lodge?
geegj: To the Pacuare put-in
geegj: Put-in at Pacuare River
geegj: Arrival at the Lodge
geegj: Pacuare Lodge
geegj: Instructions for the day...
geegj: Pacuare Lodge
geegj: The Pacuare Lodge
geegj: Just a bug on a leaf...really
geegj: Cocoa Nut
geegj: Bird nests @ Pacuare Lodge
geegj: Neil and Gail in their zip/rappel gear
geegj: Gail and Gerardo on the Canopy Tour Platform
geegj: Zippy Neil
geegj: Luis coming in for a landing
geegj: The waterfall @ Pacuare Lodge