Gede Mahendra: Mr Wayan
Gede Mahendra: My Grandmother
Gede Mahendra: Old Man
Gede Mahendra: Nara got the Blues
Gede Mahendra: still got the blues
Gede Mahendra: gotong royong
Gede Mahendra: stairway to heaven
Gede Mahendra: preparing ceremony
Gede Mahendra: g a r u s
Gede Mahendra: duo Suicidal Sinatra
Gede Mahendra: The Making of Telengis
Gede Mahendra: and..??
Gede Mahendra: river man
Gede Mahendra: Breakfast
Gede Mahendra: kesayangan
Gede Mahendra: Hello...
Gede Mahendra: dee old style
Gede Mahendra: dragon warrior
Gede Mahendra: Once upon a time in Sanur
Gede Mahendra: guardian of astralgate
Gede Mahendra: Self Portrait, Narsis Mode :)
Gede Mahendra: he he he