Gede Mahendra:
children of Bali playing on rice field
Gede Mahendra:
Narayana & Mom
Gede Mahendra:
Youngest Bali Guitarist
Gede Mahendra:
Youngest Guitarist Ever
Gede Mahendra:
before the show
Gede Mahendra:
balinese wedding singer
Gede Mahendra:
diah the singer
Gede Mahendra:
L o r d A w a n
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
Your Expression
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
Nara got the Blues
Gede Mahendra:
still got the blues
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
dee old style
Gede Mahendra:
lord awan nov 2009 :))
Gede Mahendra:
morning daily activity
Gede Mahendra:
Gede Mahendra:
hari-hari tua
Gede Mahendra:
nara nyandar
Gede Mahendra:
nara smiling
Gede Mahendra:
learn from nature
Gede Mahendra:
old man
Gede Mahendra:
Self Portrait, Narsis Mode :)
Gede Mahendra:
Saraswati Day
Gede Mahendra:
ayo sekolah...
Gede Mahendra:
neo gajah mada :)
Gede Mahendra:
he he he