Gedawei 葛大为: Backstage at the Opera - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: The TV English Teacher - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: TV Performers - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: TV Singers and Dancers - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: TV Studio Set 2 - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: With the Cameraman - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: TV Studio Set - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Mr. Shih and my classmates - 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Dinner with Shih Ming-teh 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Trying on a Snake Necklace - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Snake Alley - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Snake Alley - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Parade Watchers - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Backstage at the Opera 4 - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Backstage at the Opera 3 - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Backstage at the Opera 2 - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Backstage at the Opera 1 - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: 葛老师 and Students - Taipei, 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: A Little Emperor - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: News Stand - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Brush Cart Man - Taipei 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Watching the Parade - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Construction Worker - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Hard Work - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Construction Site - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Heavy Load - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Boys on the Beach - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Political Poster - Taiwan, 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: I Caught These - Taiwan 1978
Gedawei 葛大为: Boys on the Beach - Taiwan 1978