Ged Delany: Coachwood Glen || Megalong || NSW
Ged Delany: Coachwood Glen || Megalong || NSW
Ged Delany: Coachwood Glen || Megalong || NSW
Ged Delany: Coachwood Glen || Megalong || NSW
Ged Delany: Coachwood Glen || Megalong || NSW
Ged Delany: Lower Cascades II Leura II NSW
Ged Delany: Lower Cascades II Leura II NSW
Ged Delany: Lower Cascades II Leura II NSW
Ged Delany: Sisters in the Mist || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Three Sisters || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Windyridge Garden II Mount Wilson II NSW
Ged Delany: Avenue of Colour II Mount Wilson II NSW
Ged Delany: Gateway to Autumn II Mount Irvine II NSW
Ged Delany: Witch of the Forest || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Witches Leap Track || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Witches Leap Creek || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Witches Leap Creek || Katoomba || NSW
Ged Delany: Celestial Bodies over Lincoln's Rock
Ged Delany: Kew-Y-Ahn II Hartley II NSW
Ged Delany: Bell Rock II Hartley II NSW
Ged Delany: The Tor II Hartley II NSW
Ged Delany: Reaching out to the Heavens
Ged Delany: Paulowania Plantation