i90si: P1110723
i90si: Team with petrol station attendant
i90si: "shaped like an egg but not an egg"
i90si: "holding a live chicken"
i90si: With a live chicken
i90si: Team with aquatic life
i90si: Team with a taxidermied fish
i90si: P1110614
i90si: P1110619
i90si: "Made for woman but strong enough for a man"
i90si: Modelling clothing in shop window
i90si: "modelling clothes in a shop window"
i90si: "members on a conveyor belt"
i90si: The mandatory clean up
i90si: An old fashioned hairstyle
i90si: Finding a conveyor belt
i90si: On a conveyor belt
i90si: "Team taken wit a Mayor"
i90si: Postcard to Brooke
i90si: Wes posting card to Brooke
i90si: P9160322
i90si: Postcard to Brooke
i90si: "team with a policeman" with the bonus for handcuffed member
i90si: With police and bonus points for being handcuffed
i90si: P1110632
i90si: "Group hug in front of a body of water"
i90si: Hug in front of a body of water
i90si: Team with a Zomboli
i90si: The Zombolli
i90si: P1110645