gdschermer: Fuck Trump. #visceralAnger #Lights4Liberty #ComplicitGOP
gdschermer: #visceralAnger #Lights4Liberty
gdschermer: More civil disobedience. #ComplicitGOP #closethecamps #Lights4Liberty
gdschermer: When they ask, what did you do to stop this, will your answer be "Nothing?" #visceralAnger #Lights4Liberty #ComplicitGOP
gdschermer: We are the people of Arizona! #CloseTheCamps !!
gdschermer: This is what fascism looks like. People were protesting the Trump administration keeping children in cages.
gdschermer: This is what fascism looks like. People were protesting the Trump administration keeping children in cages. #VisceralAnger
gdschermer: We are not a small group! #Lights4Liberty #visceralAnger
gdschermer: #AbolishICE #closethecamps #Lights4Liberty #ComplicitGOP ICE Field Office 2035 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ - militarized to the bejeezus belt.
gdschermer: This is what fascism looks like. People were protesting the Trump administration keeping children in cages.