Gdnght1: coca cola
Gdnght1: Morton's
Gdnght1: corney
Gdnght1: They have over 240 flavors of popcorn here!
Gdnght1: dreary house on dreary lane^2
Gdnght1: Dreary House on Dreary Lane
Gdnght1: kickin' it old school
Gdnght1: Talk to the butt....
Gdnght1: Mr. Goose
Gdnght1: Big Vs. Little a perception of twisted virtue...
Gdnght1: Weaner Store
Gdnght1: that's a big shoe to fill
Gdnght1: I found my prince charming!
Gdnght1: antique fire apparatus
Gdnght1: redneck parking only
Gdnght1: Apply lubrication generously to all sensitive areas before pumping it in.....
Gdnght1: handicap parking space grimace
Gdnght1: in the ghetto.....
Gdnght1: Duck and Run
Gdnght1: Tears of the old great willow....
Gdnght1: Volley Ball for Giants
Gdnght1: Rope's Course
Gdnght1: "Spider Man/Trazan's Training Course"
Gdnght1: Holcomb Gardens
Gdnght1: With my niece getting a closer look.....
Gdnght1: "obviously"
Gdnght1: Window Shopping in Greensburg
Gdnght1: Strange Place for a Tree....