Gdnght1: RITALIN
Gdnght1: Drunken Kids Games
Gdnght1: camp cooking with wet wood
Gdnght1: burning desire
Gdnght1: Only you can prevent forest fires....
Gdnght1: ribit
Gdnght1: oh so sleepy
Gdnght1: This is why I brought the labtop with me camping....
Gdnght1: Too Much Rain!
Gdnght1: Beautiful Sunset...
Gdnght1: sunset over Summit Lake
Gdnght1: This is why I like to go camping....
Gdnght1: Mater
Gdnght1: Why do guys do this to each other?
Gdnght1: I thaught he was joking about his new hobby... lol.
Gdnght1: SHARK!
Gdnght1: lets go to the beach!
Gdnght1: Eeeeak!
Gdnght1: Unibrow....
Gdnght1: The heart of everything
Gdnght1: Beer Goggle
Gdnght1: it was a terrible fall...
Gdnght1: Guys and knives... camping and beer... (and you looked at me like a dumb ass when i packed the first aid kit........)
Gdnght1: tattered
Gdnght1: "solitude"