GDK Photography: The Gate to Convalmore Distillery
GDK Photography: Permit to Work Documents
GDK Photography: Weatherworn
GDK Photography: The Distillery 01
GDK Photography: The Malt Hoppers
GDK Photography: The Drive for the Hoppers' Screw
GDK Photography: An Old Wilby Saddle
GDK Photography: Switch Boxes
GDK Photography: Switches and Gauges
GDK Photography: Dri-Lube
GDK Photography: Homemade Jug
GDK Photography: Record of Settings and Adjustments 01
GDK Photography: Record of Settings and Adjustments 02
GDK Photography: Control Valves and Gauges
GDK Photography: Grist Hopper
GDK Photography: Isolation Switches 01
GDK Photography: Isolation Switches 02
GDK Photography: Underback to Wort Pump
GDK Photography: ? Wort Temperature Gauge
GDK Photography: Brewer's Office
GDK Photography: Antifreeze
GDK Photography: Capacitor
GDK Photography: Switch in Box
GDK Photography: Examination Paperwork
GDK Photography: Calender, 1985
GDK Photography: A Note, Once Important?
GDK Photography: Table of Figures
GDK Photography: An Untidy Office
GDK Photography: Spiral Graph Sheets
GDK Photography: Hours Book, 1981 01