Gabriel Daniel: Carriage
Gabriel Daniel: Shih-Hung
Gabriel Daniel: Big Crowd
Gabriel Daniel: The Best Men
Gabriel Daniel: Deborah is prettier than you
Gabriel Daniel: Wedding Boat Party
Gabriel Daniel: Trying to Get In
Gabriel Daniel: Floating Down Village River
Gabriel Daniel: Deb and Frank
Gabriel Daniel: Frank's Slowly Dying Fish
Gabriel Daniel: Back to the Boats
Gabriel Daniel: WEdding Party Walking
Gabriel Daniel: Chaos on Land
Gabriel Daniel: Finally Getting the Door Open
Gabriel Daniel: Deborah enjoying the boat ride
Gabriel Daniel: Lots of Spectators
Gabriel Daniel: Awaiting Carriage and Firecrackers
Gabriel Daniel: Awaiting Parents
Gabriel Daniel: Frank and Deb
Gabriel Daniel: Little Kids in Wedding
Gabriel Daniel: Saying thanks to the Town
Gabriel Daniel: Hot Asian Girl......
Gabriel Daniel: Spectators
Gabriel Daniel: Covered in Mystery
Gabriel Daniel: Siblings
Gabriel Daniel: Leaving the Boat to Get Bride
Gabriel Daniel: Shih-Hung Smiling
Gabriel Daniel: Chen Siblings