Gabriel Daniel: Russian Ice Bar!!!
Gabriel Daniel: Deborah Likes the Shots
Gabriel Daniel: When My Downfall Began
Gabriel Daniel: Free Jager Shots? Sign me up
Gabriel Daniel: Best Sushi Ever
Gabriel Daniel: Bunny Hop Dance
Gabriel Daniel: Growl at the bunny
Gabriel Daniel: Tongues out. Drunks In.
Gabriel Daniel: Sipping Even More Drinks
Gabriel Daniel: Lan Kwai Fong HanaGushi
Gabriel Daniel: waaahhhh to Alcohol
Gabriel Daniel: Since Gabe's Been Gone
Gabriel Daniel: IMG_0227.JPG
Gabriel Daniel: Put The Jello in my Mouth
Gabriel Daniel: More Bunny Dance
Gabriel Daniel: Getting Redder
Gabriel Daniel: Yet ANOTHER Drink
Gabriel Daniel: So Damn Drunk
Gabriel Daniel: Bunny Shots
Gabriel Daniel: Debs Eyes Look Glazed
Gabriel Daniel: Yes. It was Absinthe.
Gabriel Daniel: Not Too Big Jello Shots
Gabriel Daniel: Rock On!!
Gabriel Daniel: WOOO HOOO
Gabriel Daniel: Have NO Clue whats going on here
Gabriel Daniel: Another Bar and More Drinks
Gabriel Daniel: IMG_0268.JPG
Gabriel Daniel: Chaos in Lan Kwai Fong
Gabriel Daniel: Some Flaming Shot
Gabriel Daniel: Hot N Cold