Gabriel Daniel: Kids and santa
Gabriel Daniel: Ruben and Kids
Gabriel Daniel: Christian Mar Jar
Gabriel Daniel: Cynthia and GUY THAT SHOULD BEWARE MY FURY
Gabriel Daniel: Burrell Family
Gabriel Daniel: With Grandma
Gabriel Daniel: Children Excited by Santa
Gabriel Daniel: Strange new Friends
Gabriel Daniel: Marcela Mar
Gabriel Daniel: Guy I must kill and sister
Gabriel Daniel: Christian
Gabriel Daniel: Jacob Lydia Joey Jackie
Gabriel Daniel: In Red Houses
Gabriel Daniel: Hottest looking family
Gabriel Daniel: Getting it on
Gabriel Daniel: Familia Guerrano
Gabriel Daniel: No X-mas colors?
Gabriel Daniel: Senor Gastelum con Santa
Gabriel Daniel: Serrano Girls
Gabriel Daniel: The Parras
Gabriel Daniel: 16_w16_016.jpg
Gabriel Daniel: Guero and Cho
Gabriel Daniel: Gastelum
Gabriel Daniel: Cynthia and Fanny
Gabriel Daniel: Santa is dirty
Gabriel Daniel: Its not facial hair
Gabriel Daniel: Santa is Tired
Gabriel Daniel: Where is the dog?