IlSavioSaverio: Roma 2017
Will (Certified Ninja): Day 281 - Twilight Lake
Will (Certified Ninja): Day 344 - Milk & Cookies - The Test Run
missjelly6: Voglie #friends #summer #calabria
Luca Pierro: Photographic portraits behind the canvas
IlSavioSaverio: Squillace
Lord V: Male Xanthogramma pedissequum hoverfly #2
Lord V: Pot gerbera on the windowsill
missjelly6: Light
Siegfried Tremel: Muscidae spec.
Aubrey Stoll: Sunrise Vessel
Achimar: HyperFleurettes
Rashed Al Naamani: I Love My Kit . . ."Canon Love"
Wes Aslin: One for Mom
PDTxedition: Kitsch Hamlet
mojocoggo: Celica in Oldtown
Will (Certified Ninja): Don't get swept away just yet
RichardDumoulin: Colibri à gorge Ruby / Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Jesus Guzman-Moya: Disfrutando
Lord V: There's only one thing stops a hoverfly in mid flight.. Male hoverfly Syritta pipiens