gbohne: copulating Tigers in my garden close to Jakarta
gbohne: Cylindera holosericea in my garden
gbohne: Approaching a Tiger beetle - magnification 1-2x
gbohne: Therates labiatus (F 1801) "taking a shower"
gbohne: Therates latreillei (Thomson 1860)
gbohne: Bugis' Tiger beetle from Sulawesi - ♀
gbohne: Cylindera (Ifasina) discreta
gbohne: Cosmodela aurulenta at the edge of a water pool in paddy fields
gbohne: A wide-spread Tiger beetle of SE-Asia: Cosmodela aurulenta, F 1801
gbohne: Calomera opigrapha (Dejean 1831)
gbohne: Tiger beetle at the South Sea
gbohne: Hipparidium heros (F 1801)
gbohne: Therates fasciatus (F 1801)
gbohne: Cylindera (Verticina) versicolor MACLEAY, 1825
gbohne: Cylindera discreta from Sulawesi
gbohne: Polyrhanis arfakensis (Cicindelidae)
gbohne: Polyrhanis arfakensis (Cicindelidae)
gbohne: Arboricole Tiger beetle (Neocollyris arnoldi arnoldi) in a Javan mountain rainforest
gbohne: arboricole Tiger beetle (Neocollyris arnoldi) from a Javan lowland rainforest
gbohne: arboricol Tiger (Cicindelidae: Neocollyris sp.)
gbohne: Tiger beetle (Cylindera minuta) from W-Java
gbohne: Cylindera minuta (Cicindelidae)
gbohne: Cylindera sp. ? (Cicindelidae) from W-Java
gbohne: Cylindera sp.
gbohne: Cylindera sp.?
gbohne: Cisadane - Cosmodela aurulenta
gbohne: Cylindera sp. (Cicindelidae)
gbohne: Cisadane - Cosmodela aurulenta
gbohne: Tigerbeetle from karst islands
gbohne: Tricondyla sp. ? (Cicindelidae)